Big Bang var inte början av allt. utan snarare en period i tiden när universum bytte från en period av kontraktion/krympning till en period av expansion. Denna 'Big Bang Bounce' idén föreslår att det skulle kunna vara 'infinite Big Bangs' medans universum expanderar, krymper och expanderar igen.

'You are the big bang, the original force of the universe - coming on as whoever you are' - Alan Watts

'Billions of years ago, you were a big bang. And then we cut ourselves off, and don't feel that we are still the big bang' - Alan Watts

Astronomer säger att det var en ursprunglig explosion, en enorm 'bang' miljarder av år sedan som slungade alla galaxer ut i rymden. Att universum är 'the physical unfolding' av big bang igenom konstanta och oföränderliga fysiska lagar.
Vissa vetenskapsmän säger att det var flera 'bangs', inte bara en 'bang'. 'Science' har alltid trott på att allt har en början och ett slut. Men nu pratar 'physicist' om ett ändlöst universum.
Men någon gång i framtiden är det möjligt att Big Crunch kommer hända, vilket är den motsatta processen av Big Bang - utvidgningen av universum vänder så småningom och 'recollapses'.
Big Bang som gav födelse till hela universum är en dynamisk interaktion av 'consciousness' med sig själv. 'Consciousness' har en struktur av fullständig matematiskt precision, djupt komplex - dock helt och hållet harmoniskt och uppenbart integrerat inom dynamiken av dess egna själv-interaktion. Du är du i denna process!
Ända sedan Big Bang - har vårt universum expanderat i alla riktningar. Universum började i ett extremt varmt tillstånd av yttersta 'simplicity' och symmetri. Medan universum expanderar och kylar ner sin perfekta symmetri blir den delad, givandes uppgång till världen av mångfald och struktur vi bebor - galaxer, stjärnor, planeter och allt liv. Detta inbördes samband av alla varelser är ren fakta!

Bing Bang hände inte 'där ute någonstans'- utanför oss - NEJ DÅ - vi började inuti Big Bang; och nu förkroppsligar vi dess ursprungliga energi!

'You are THE BIG BANG - the original force of the universe - coming on as whoever you are' - Alan Watts

By looking far out into space we are also looking far back into time, back toward the horizon of the universe, back toward the epoch of the Big Bang.” - Carl Sagan

“If the fate of the universe was decided in a single moment at the instant of the Big Bang , that was the most creative moment of all.” - Deepak Chopra

Gnosticism posits that within each individual lies a divine spark, a fragment of the divine essence. ​​​
The journey to gnosis is, therefore, a process of internal discovery and awakening, aiming to reconnect with this divine spark and, ultimately, the source of all existence. From a holographic perspective, this divine spark can be seen as a part of the whole, containing within it the entirety of the divine essence, similar to how each part of a hologram contains the whole image. The realization of gnosis, then, becomes an act of recognizing one's inherent unity with the divine and the interconnectedness of all creation. 
In Gnostic spirituality, gods and myths are often reinterpreted or recast in roles that differ markedly from their traditional religious contexts. These narratives are seen not as literal truths but as symbolic expressions of the inner psychological and spiritual journey of the soul. Gods represent different aspects of the divine or the cosmos, as well as the various forces and principles that govern the universe and the human psyche. 
Viewed through a holographic lens, gods and myths embody the multidimensional reality in which every symbol, story, and deity reflects aspects of the Gnostic seeker's inner world and the universal quest for gnosis. This perspective reveals that the diversity of myths and deities in Gnostic texts is not a pantheon to be worshiped but a map of the spiritual landscape, guiding the seeker towards self-discovery and the realization of their divine nature. 
The holographic nature of gnosis suggests that by exploring these myths and connecting with these divine aspects, one can unlock deeper layers of understanding and experience the totality of existence. Gnostic philosophy and spirituality, when viewed through a holographic lens, offer a rich and complex view of the quest for spiritual knowledge. Gnosis, in this tradition, is not merely about acquiring information but about experiencing a profound transformation that reveals the intrinsic unity of the individual with the divine. The gods and myths of Gnosticism serve as guides and symbols on this journey, each reflecting different facets of the divine and the seeker's own nature. This holographic approach to gnosis highlights the interconnectedness of all things, encouraging a holistic understanding of spirituality that embraces the inner and outer, the individual and the universal, as reflections of the same divine reality. HOLOSOPHY!