The Infinite Web: Polytheism, Psychedelics, and the Expansion of Human Consciousness

En av de bästa Utopia-novellerna av 1900-talet är Brave New World (1932) av Aldous Huxley. I novellen, Huxley beskriver ett fiktivt samhälle i framtiden utan religion, men med en filosofi av massproduktion och masskonsumtion där folk saknar individualitet och personligt frihet och är mest manipulerande verktyg för staten. Brave New World visar det fruktansvärda konsekvenserna av 'authoritative' kontroll och mekanism av samhället och kan på så vis vara kallad en anti-utopia eller dystopi!
Trettio år senare, 1962, Huxley skrev hans sista fullständiga novell; Island. Den kan anses vara en 'utopian' motsvarighet till Brave New World för den beskriver ett idealt samhälle med huvudmålet av den individuella friheten och 'the pursuit of happiness'. The Palanese som Huxley beskriver i Island lever i ett helt och hållet humanistiskt samhälle som är själviskt centrerad på jakten efter lycka och individuell frihet. Faktum är att tanken om ett idealt samhälle går tillbaka till antika Grekland i Platon's Republic där han konstruerar en teoretisk stad med perfekt rättvisa och beskrev hur individer bäst ska leva.
Senare i livet, Aldous Huxley upptäckte viktiga 'hallucinogens' - först meskalin och sedan LSD. Han experimentera med dessa substanser och nådde slutsatsen att dessa 'hallucinogens' kan användas för självupptäckt och upplysning som han beskrev i hans utopiska novell Island. Men även Brave New World har influenser av droger. Medborgarna av framtiden i Brave New World förlitar sig på Soma; en powerfull hallucinogen' som tillåter en 'holiday' från verkligheten och skänker en enorm känsla av välmående, mjukar upp 'the mind' men dock 'förgiftar' kroppen.

"If THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he seas all things through narrow chinks of his cavern" - William Blake

The Doors of Perception publicerades 1954 av Aldous Huxley. Den handlar om hans första psykedeliska upplevelse i form av meskalin. Denna bok återkallar insikterna han upplevde av 'the aesthetic beauty' som han såg. Denna psykedeliska upplevelse hjälpte honom att utveckla psykologiska och filosofiska idéer runt perception. Huxley tror att våra vanliga 'day to day' upplevelser är ett begränsat fält av perception; det går istället att öppna sitt 'mind' i form av perception och få användbara upplevelser; altering our state of consciousness'. Inte bara för mystics i högre kognitiva stadium! Framför allt i formen av 'reducerandet' av egot; att bli 'Not-Self - ett med naturen eller Gud; Beingness i form av bliss i att verkligen leva i nuet!
Aldous Huxley använde också LSD, som han erkände som en väg till att fullt förstå sig själv och universum som han levde i! Han blev en stor exponent av LSD för kreativitet.
Han fann inom The Doors of Perception lycka och 'uppvaknande' till 'the infinite. På sin dödsbädd 1963 Aldous Huxley begärde sin fru att ge honom en 100 microgram dos av LSD!
Den visionära 'legacyn' av Aldous Huxley är relevant än idag - han hade en föståelse av 'the human condition' och den mänskliga potentialen! Medan han levde, Huxley var en av de främsta 'intellectuals of his time'. En stor Holosopher i mina ögon.
Men faktum kvarstår, han är mest ihågkommen för hans 1932 dystopiska novell 'Brave New World,' en mardrömslik vision av framtiden - som år 2020 blivit en TV-Serie baserad på denna klassiska roman; Brave New World Official Trailer

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.” - Aldous Huxley

“Then, suddenly, my consciousness was lighted up from within and I saw in a vivid way how the whole universe was made up of particles of material which, no matter how dull and lifeless they might seem, were nevertheless filled with this intense and vital beauty.” - Aldous Huxley

Shamanism, psychedelics, polytheism, and the expansion of consciousness have long fascinated humans, intertwining myth and reality in a complex tapestry of belief, experience, and spiritual exploration. This article delves into these areas, shedding light on how they intersect with our understanding of reality and consciousness.
Shamanism is an ancient practice found in cultures around the world, characterized by the shaman's role as a mediator between the human and spirit worlds. Shamans engage in rituals and trance states to communicate with spirits, heal, and guide souls. The mythic aspects of shamanism are rich with stories of otherworldly journeys, shape-shifting, and direct communication with deities and ancestors. In reality, shamanic practices may facilitate profound psychological and emotional healing, suggesting that the shaman's journey, whether viewed as a literal voyage to other worlds or a metaphorical exploration of the subconscious mind, holds significant therapeutic value.
Psychedelics, such as psilocybin from magic mushrooms, LSD, and ayahuasca, have been used in sacred contexts for millennia, notably in ceremonies like the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece. These substances are believed to dissolve the boundaries of the self, expand consciousness, and reveal divine or otherworldly realities. Contemporary research into psychedelics supports their potential in treating mental health disorders, suggesting that these substances can facilitate deeply meaningful spiritual experiences and a sense of interconnectedness with the universe. The mythic view of psychedelics as gateways to other dimensions parallels their real-world ability to alter perception and consciousness, inviting a reevaluation of what is considered "real."
Polytheism, the belief in multiple deities, enriches the spiritual landscape with a diversity of gods and goddesses, each embodying different aspects of the cosmos and human experience. Myths tell of gods interacting with humans, guiding them, and teaching them the secrets of the universe. In the context of spirituality and consciousness, polytheism highlights the multifaceted nature of reality and the human psyche. Engaging with these deities, whether through ritual, meditation, or the creative imagination, allows individuals to explore different dimensions of themselves and the world.
Magic mushrooms have played a pivotal role in spiritual and religious contexts, particularly in indigenous cultures. The psychedelic experience they induce is often described as a profound spiritual awakening, revealing the interconnectedness of all life and the illusion of individual separateness. This experience can be transformative, leading to lasting changes in perception, values, and an enhanced sense of spiritual connection. The use of magic mushrooms challenges the distinction between myth and reality, suggesting that the spiritual insights gained during these experiences are as real as the material world we navigate daily. 
The exploration of shamanism, psychedelics, polytheism, and the expansion of consciousness reveals a world where myth and reality are not opposites but complementary aspects of human experience. The mystical experiences facilitated by shamanic practices, psychedelic substances, and engagement with multiple deities offer profound insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and our place in the cosmos. These experiences encourage a reevaluation of what we consider to be real, inviting a broader, more inclusive understanding of reality that embraces the mystical, the spiritual, and the transcendent. TRUE HOLOSOPHY!
Continuing the exploration of myth, reality, and spirituality through the lens of shamanism, psychedelics, polytheism, and the expansion of consciousness, it's crucial to delve into the concept of channeling and reality creation. Figures like Seth, as channeled by Jane Roberts, and Story Waters offer profound insights into the nature of existence, the self, and how we create our reality. These teachings can deepen our understanding of the spiritual principles discussed earlier, providing a modern context for ancient wisdom.
Seth's concept of "The Nature of Personal Reality" echoes the shamanic understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and the power of intention. This viewpoint suggests that by changing our beliefs and thoughts, we can alter our reality, including our health, relationships, and environment. This aligns with the shamanic journey of inner transformation and healing, where altering one's inner state can lead to profound changes in the external world.
Story Waters, another influential figure in the realm of spirituality and consciousness, emphasizes the limitless nature of the self and the fluidity of reality. Waters advocates for a direct, personal experience of spirituality, free from the constraints of dogma. His teachings encourage individuals to embrace their inherent power to shape their reality, highlighting the connection between consciousness, the material world, and the spiritual dimensions. 
The teachings of Seth and Story Waters offer a contemporary framework for understanding the principles underlying shamanism, psychedelics, polytheism, and the expansion of consciousness. By recognizing ourselves as co-creators of our reality, we can draw on ancient wisdom and modern insights to consciously shape our lives and the world around us. This synthesis of ideas suggests that the spiritual journey is not only about seeking knowledge or enlightenment but about actively participating in the creation of our reality. 
The concept of reality creation, as explored by Seth and Story Waters, ties directly into the use of psychedelics and shamanic practices for expanding consciousness. Psychedelics can catalyze profound shifts in perception, revealing the fluid nature of reality and our role in shaping it. Shamanic rituals, with their deep connection to the spirit world and the psyche, offer tools for personal transformation and the intentional creation of reality. 
The integration of channeling teachings and reality creation concepts with shamanism, psychedelics, polytheism, and the expansion of consciousness presents a holistic(HOLOSOPHY) view of spirituality. It underscores the unity between ancient practices and modern metaphysical insights, emphasizing the human potential for growth, healing, and transformation. By embracing these principles, individuals can explore the depths of their being, connect with the cosmos, and consciously participate in the co-creation of their reality, bridging the gap between the mythic and the tangible, the ancient and the contemporary, the divine and the mundane.TRUE HOLOSOPHY!

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"Ascension is no escape; there is nothing to escape from. Here is spiritual. Here is now. Here is physical. Here is where everything happens. Wake up and enjoy it!" - Story Waters gnostic/mystic