The dynamics of CITY AND NATURE!

outdoor Mindfulness and archetypes of society imageoutdoor Mindfulness and archetypes of society imageoutdoor Mindfulness and archetypes of society image
Att bege sig ut i det fria kan stimulera mindfulness - framför allt om du har en ficklampa med dig i ett tält när det vankas natt och fullmåne. Det är precis så svensken Olof-Mathias Tegedao tänker när han beger sig in i Theodore Roosevelt National Park i USA. När Theodore var president arbeta han med att bevara nationens vildmark - en sann naturälskare och nyfiken om mindfulness. Theodore till och med skapade en ny typ av maskulinitet kombinerande utbildning, fysisk styrka och robust individualism. Det ihärdiga livet! Den kraftfulla själen! Olof-Mathias Tegedao med sin ficklampa!
Han har läst Jon Krakauer's bok 'Into the Wild' - som berättar en sann historia om den 24-åriga Christopher McCandless resa in i Alaska. Vars sanna kall var att leva någonstans i vildmarken. Till sist hittades han död i en buss i Alaska 1992 - efter att ha vandrat fritt i USA i flera år. 'Into the Wild' blev till och med en film 2007 som fått betyget 8,1/10 på IMDB! Olof-Mathias Tegedao har blivit inspirerad av Christopher McCandless när han nu beger sig ut i Theodore Roosevelt National Park - med sin ficklampa!
En park som öppnade 1947 för att hedra president Roosevelt - en passionerad äventyrare och upptäcktsresande som vi insett vid det här laget; 'Jag vill hitta mig en fantastisk utsiktsplats i denna park där jag kan lysa på månen med min ficklampa!,' tänkte Olof-Mathias Tegedao medan han började vandra in i parken!
Hör och häpna vad Olof-Mathias Tegedao sanna mål är med sin upptäcktsfärd! Det sägs att President Roosevelt bevittnat Big Foot i dessa trakter! I detta Amerikanska landskap vill också Olof - Mathias Tegedao stöta på en liknande figur och ha lite 'outdoor mindfulness' med och lysa min ficklampa på! Half human, half devil och half goblin! Inte så konstigt att Bigfoot uppenbarar sig för presidenten - han var trots allt en Rough Rider of the American Frontier! Ficklampa!? Det finns coola t-shirts som man kan köpa som föreställer detta möte; outdoor mindfulness!
Det blev kväll i parken så Olof-Mathias gick ut ifrån sitt tält med sin ficklampa och började lysa på månen! Var är söta lilla Bigfoot!? Olof-Mathias fullständigt sprudlar inombords med detta besök i Theodore Roosevelt National Park! Ett äventyr i stil med Christopher McCandless i 'Into the Wild'. En episk resa i sann bemärkelse. Det är fullmåne och Olof-Mathias lyssnar på Eddie Vedders soundtrack till 'into the wild' i hörlurarna; outdoor mindfulness! HOLOSOPHY!
En annan amerikan som pratade om naturen var Ralph Waldo Emerson (1802-1882); han säger att människor släpper loss sitt inre barn när man är ute i naturen! Emerson rådslår att människor ska omfamna en mer naturlig filosofi och vara 'mindful' av den naturliga världen medan man är människor! Emerson kallar för en vision av universum som en allomfattande helhet som jobbar för att ansluta sig till människan och naturen, materia och 'spirit' - som sammanhängande uttryck av Gud! Universum är inordnad av 'Nature and the Soul'! Att vara människa är att vara en liten del av naturen - allt och alla bidrar till näringskedjan av liv och energi som håller universum vid liv; naturen! Vi kan aldrig få nog av naturen! Det kan inte heller Olof-Mathias Tegedao få nog av med sin ficklampa i Theodore Roosevelt National Park där han sannerligen släppt löst sin 'natural inner child'! Outdoor mindfulness! HOLOSOPHY!

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." —Albert Einstein 

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." —Laura Ingalls Wilder 


In a world increasingly characterized by rationality, technology, and empirical science, the profound work of James Hillman offers a refreshing counterpoint, advocating for a culture deeply informed by myth and archetype. Hillman, a pioneering psychologist and scholar, extended the concept of archetypes beyond the individual psyche to the very fabric of society itself. His blueprint for a mythically-informed culture challenges us to reconsider our modern values, behaviors, and social structures through the lens of ancient wisdom and universal patterns. This article explores Hillman's vision, elucidating how archetypes can serve as a foundational framework for understanding and healing our collective societal challenges.
Hillman's theory posits that archetypes—the fundamental, instinctual patterns that reside in the collective unconscious—are not merely personal interior forces but are also manifest in the external world, influencing societal norms, cultural narratives, and even political systems. He argues that by acknowledging and understanding these archetypal patterns, society can achieve a deeper comprehension of its motivations, conflicts, and potentials.
For Hillman, archetypes such as the Hero, the Great Mother, the Wise Old Man, and the Trickster are not confined to the stories of old but are alive and active in contemporary culture, shaping our media, our politics, and our social movements. He suggests that by consciously engaging with these archetypes, societies can navigate complex challenges more wisely, fostering a culture that is both resilient and deeply connected to the timeless aspects of human experience.
Hillman's vision for a mythically-informed culture is one where current issues are viewed through the prism of myth and archetype, offering novel insights and solutions. For instance, environmental crises can be approached with the reverence for nature found in the archetype of Gaia, the ancient Greek Earth goddess, encouraging policies that honor our deep connection to the planet. Similarly, political and social conflicts might be reframed in the context of the eternal struggle between order and chaos, seeking balance and understanding rather than victory at all costs.
This approach does not advocate for a return to a past golden age of myth but rather for a forward-looking integration of archetypal wisdom into contemporary life. It suggests that by recognizing the archetypal dynamics at play in societal issues, we can foster a more holistic and empathetic understanding of our collective challenges, leading to more effective and sustainable solutions.
The practical application of Hillman's ideas requires a shift in perspective, from a solely analytical and problem-solving approach to one that also values imagination, symbolism, and the power of narrative. This could manifest in various ways, such as the incorporation of mythological and archetypal studies in educational curricula, encouraging a deeper understanding of human nature and its expressions across cultures.
In the realm of media and entertainment, a mythically-informed approach might prioritize stories that reflect archetypal journeys and conflicts, offering audiences not just entertainment but also profound insights into the human condition. In politics and governance, leaders and policymakers could benefit from understanding the archetypal forces at play in societal dynamics, guiding their decisions with a sense of narrative wisdom and historical depth.
James Hillman's call for a mythically-informed culture is both a challenge and an invitation—an opportunity to reimagine our collective life in ways that are richer, deeper, and more aligned with the archetypal patterns that have shaped human experience throughout history. By integrating the wisdom of myths and the insights of archetypal psychology into our societal structures, we can cultivate a culture that not only addresses the complexities of modern life but also honors the timeless dimensions of the human soul.
In embracing Hillman's blueprint, we embark on a collective journey towards a society that is not only more conscious of its archetypal underpinnings but also more compassionate, resilient, and attuned to the narratives that have the power to unite and heal. This is the promise of a mythically-informed culture: a world where the timeless wisdom of the past informs the possibilities of the future, guiding us towards a more holistic and meaningful collective existence.
James Hillman, a visionary in the field of depth psychology, extended his exploration of the psyche beyond the individual and nature, venturing into the urban landscapes that define much of human existence. His unique perspective challenges the conventional dichotomy between the vitality of nature and the supposed soullessness of urban environments. For Hillman, cities are not merely concrete jungles devoid of soul but are, in fact, vibrant embodiments of the collective psyche, teeming with personality, character, and depth. This continuation delves into Hillman's view of the city as a soulful dynamic, asserting that just as nature has a soul, so too do our cities, in their complexity and uniqueness, reflect the multifaceted dimensions of the human spirit.
Hillman argued that cities, with their intricate networks of relationships, histories, and cultural expressions, serve as living maps of the human soul. Each city, with its unique architecture, streets, public squares, and hidden nooks, narrates a story, a collective dream etched into its very structure. These urban landscapes are imbued with archetypes, reflecting the diverse aspects of the psyche—its desires, conflicts, and aspirations. The bustling markets, quiet parks, grand monuments, and the chaotic symphony of urban life mirror the complex interplay of forces within the human soul.
For Hillman, the soul of a city is not a metaphor but a palpable presence, experienced through the sights, sounds, and rhythms of urban living. This perspective invites us to see beyond the physicality of buildings and streets, encouraging a deeper engagement with the city as a living, breathing entity with its own moods, memories, and meanings.
James Hillman's vision of the city as a soulful dynamic offers a profound reimagining of our urban existence. It invites us to consider the ways in which cities reflect and shape the collective psyche, urging us to engage more deeply with the environments we often take for granted. In recognizing the soul of the city, we open ourselves to a more meaningful and enriching urban life, one that honors the complexity and richness of the human spirit.
As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of urban living, Hillman's insights remind us that the soul does not reside solely in nature or in solitude but is ever-present in the bustling streets, historic buildings, and communal spaces of our cities. In embracing this view, we can transform our urban landscapes into places that truly reflect and nurture the soul of their inhabitants.



In the heart of modern urban development and city planning lies a concept as ancient as humanity itself—the soul. This concept, though often associated with individual consciousness or the natural world, extends its reach into the bustling life of cities. Holistic philosophy, with its emphasis on interconnectedness and balance, offers a unique lens through which we can explore and understand the soul of the city.
The idea of the city having a soul might seem metaphysical, but it is deeply rooted in the way cities are experienced by those who inhabit them. The soul of a city is woven from the threads of shared history, culture, architecture, natural spaces, and the daily interactions that occur within its confines. It encompasses the emotional and psychological impact the city has on its residents and visitors—the sense of belonging, identity, and community it fosters.
From a holistic perspective, the soul of the city is the essence that emerges from the complex relationships between its physical structure, its inhabitants, and the natural environment. It reflects the city's ability to satisfy not only the material needs of its population but also their spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being.
The concept of the soul of the city, viewed through the lens of holistic philosophy, offers a radical yet essential rethinking of urban development. It calls for cities that are not merely habitable but are vibrant, inclusive, and soul-nourishing spaces. By embracing a holistic approach, urban planners, architects, and citizens can work together to create cities that reflect the complexity and richness of human life, where every street, building, and green space resonates with the collective soul of its inhabitants.
In this vision, the city becomes more than just a place to live; it becomes a living, breathing entity that embodies the values, dreams, and spirits of its people


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