Holographic Healing

lincoln holo depression imagelincoln holo depression imagelincoln holo depression image
Enligt psykologen Carl Jung en schweizisk psykiater som levde emellan 1875 –1961  - det största hotet till civilisationen vilar inte i naturens krafter, eller med en fysisk sjukdom - utan oförmågan att behandla krafterna av vårt egna psyke. Ångest är så förekommande i den moderna världen att till och med vissa påstår att vi lever i en 'Age of Anxiety'
"Om vi envisas med vårt moderna sätt att behandla depression som en sjukdom som botas bara mekaniskt och kemiskt - kan vi förlora gåvorna av själen som bara depression kan erbjuda" - Thomas Moore - Care of the Soul
För själen - depression är en initiation - 'a rite of passage'. Men depression är den mest seriösa mental-hälsa problemet för människor.
Abraham Lincoln kämpade klinisk depression hela sitt liv. Melankolisk och kroniskt deprimerad. Men bipolär är en diagnos som inte existera under Lincolns levnadstid. Men Lincoln hade en fantastisk förmåga att hantera och kompensera för varje depressivt tillstånd som plågade honom. Till exempel att använda diverse medel för att överkomma sin depression som humor och religiösa känslor. Dessa tillvägagångsätt hjälpte Lincoln att slå bort möjligheten till att depression eller melankoli i att störa hans jobb som President.
En gång träffade Abraham Lincoln på filosofen och den främsta företrädaren för transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson från Boston i Washington 1862 för att ge en lektion om 'American Civilisation' vid Smithsonian Institution. Emerson passade på att även dela med sig lite av hans 'Nature Philosophy' med Lincoln som hjälpte honom med sin depression; Naturen uttrycker att varje individ måste utveckla en personlig förståelse av universum. Och på ett sådant vis bli mer ett med sin omgivning i form av att hysa harmoniska känslor till omvärlden. Emerson refererade till naturen som 'Universal Being'. Det finns en 'spirituell sense' av den naturliga världen som omger oss; evolutionen hyser en egen 'divine spirit' som gör att universum exploderar med mening. Everything is connected - we are all one!
När Emerson delade med sig av sin visdom till Lincoln kände han ibland en underlättning i sitt depressiva tillstånd. Under några månader i Washington 1862 kände han sig väldigt inspirerad över Ralph Waldo Emersons ord;' Föreställ din 'spirit' som en strålande skinande varelse av ljus. Detta representerar ditt 'infinite self' - din 'spirit' vet inte rädsla och förbinder all existens; ditt 'Universal Being God Self'. Som kan 'heala' depressioner - förhoppningsvis långvariga sådana 'healings'. Som Lincoln fick lite smak av.

Carl Jung's teori av 'wholeness' bäst beskriver den interna kraften som driver mänskligt utvecklande. Kärnkonceptet av Jung's synsätt var att varje person besitter två separata personligheter; ett yttre offentligt jag och ett dolt inre jag som känner en speciell närhet till Gud. Samverkan emellan dessa två 'selves' påverkar individens strävande för integration och 'wholeness'. En process Abraham Lincoln högst var delaktigt i. Som anses enligt många vara en av de största presidenter någonsin. Oerhört ledande under det Amerikanska inbördeskriget; en stor hjälte.

Carl Jungs insikter formades genom årtionden av arbete med folk som led oerhört från känslig, psykologisk och ultimat spirituellt lidande. Sann spirituell utveckling är vårdandet av 'the Whole Self' - både i dess himmelska och jordliga aspekter. Fullt mänsklig och fullt 'divine' samtidigt. "Individuation is the one-ment with oneself and at the same time with humanity, since oneself is a part of humanity" - Carl Jung
Men önskan att 'stiga uppåt' till ett högre plan är baserad på en rädsla-baserad förkastelse av din nuvarande verklighet'. 'Spiritual Ascension' har utvecklats till att folk vill 'bort' från det fysiska till att 'fly' till 'spirit'.
Men sann Holosophy säger att det inte finns ett separat spirituellt plan; 'the spiritual plane' är här och nu. Det är inom oss! Physicality är inte separat från din 'spiritual being'; physicality är uttrycket av din 'spiritual being'; You are Human; Get Over It! Heala såret av en 'judgemental' extern Gud och såret av religion; 'church energy'.
Gud är varken extern eller intern; Gud är överallt; Holografiskt- Gud är 'All-That-Is' som ingen är separerad från. Varje Amerikansk president har varit medlem av en kyrka utom en; Abraham Lincoln. För honom var Bibeln en vanlig bok. Men Lincoln brottades med Gud och sin egna melankoli - han gjorde motstånd av den religiösa visdom av hans tid. Hans unika vy hjälpte honom med sin depression. Allt enligt filosofen Ralph Waldo Emerson från Boston under denna tids melodi; att varje individ måste utveckla en personlig förståelse av universum. Men Lincolns melankoli var en livslång plåga och påstod sig vara spirituell - men inte religiös. Plågandes över meningen av 'Providence' i en tragisk värld.

Men faktum kvarstår - glädje är något som folk brukar tro kommer till dem genom någon extern kraft enbart - istället för att det är något man skapar inombords. Glädje finns inombords som du kan själv välja. För att leva i glädje - ge dig själv glädje! Det finns inget viktigare eller mer spirituellt än att vara i glädje och blomstra i världen. Glädje är det ditt 'hjärta' vill mest. Det finns inget själviskt i att söka din glädje. Fira närvaron av glädje inom oss alla. Livet är nödvändigtvis inte om vad som händer dig - utan hur du reagerar till det som händer dig. Att försöka reagera med glädje till din omgivning är den högsta av Holosophy Work! Och inte att tänka som Abraham Lincoln gjorde ibland ; “I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were felt by the whole human race, there would not be one cheerful face left on earth.”

"In this world of ours, sorry comes to all - and it often comes with bitter agony. Perfect relief is not possible, except with time. You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it, will make you less miserable now'- Abraham Lincoln

På tal om AMERIKA;
"Melville's Moby Dick: An American Nekyia," authored by the esteemed Jungian analyst Edward F. Edinger, provides a profound and insightful exploration into the depths of one of America's most celebrated novels, "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville. Through the lens of Jungian psychology, Edinger unveils the rich tapestry of symbolism, archetypal themes, and psychological depth embedded within Melville's masterpiece, presenting it as a journey of the soul akin to a Nekyia, the descent into the underworld in Greek mythology. At its core, "Moby-Dick" is a narrative replete with themes of obsession, revenge, the nature of evil, and the quest for understanding the unfathomable. Edinger's analysis elevates these themes to a universal plane, identifying Captain Ahab's relentless pursuit of the white whale as symbolic of the human soul's descent into the depths of the unconscious. In Jungian terms, Ahab's voyage represents the Nekyia, a perilous journey of self-discovery and confrontation with the shadow aspects of the psyche. Edinger delves into the symbolic and archetypal dimensions of "Moby-Dick," interpreting the white whale itself as a manifestation of the Self, an archetype representing the totality of the psyche, both conscious and unconscious aspects. The whale's elusiveness and Ahab's obsession with it reflect the individual's eternal quest for self-knowledge and the dangers inherent in becoming consumed by this quest.
The Pequod, the ship that carries Ahab and his crew on their doomed expedition, is seen as a microcosm of the human psyche, with its diverse crew symbolizing the various facets of the individual's personality. Edinger points out how the journey of the Pequod mirrors the psychological process of individuation described by Carl Jung, wherein the individual seeks to integrate the conscious and unconscious elements of their psyche.
Edinger emphasizes the significance of the Nekyia journey in "Moby-Dick," drawing parallels between Ahab's descent into madness and the soul's descent into the shadow realm. This journey is fraught with danger, as it involves confronting the darkest aspects of oneself, but it is also essential for psychological growth and transformation. Through Ahab's tragic end, Melville illustrates the peril of being consumed by one's shadow, warning of the necessity for balance and self-awareness in the quest for understanding the mysteries of the Self. Edinger situates "Moby-Dick" within the broader context of American literature and culture, arguing that the novel encapsulates the American spirit of exploration and the quest for meaning beyond the material world. He posits that Melville, through "Moby-Dick," engages with fundamental questions about the nature of existence, the human condition, and the pursuit of transcendence, making it a quintessential American Nekyia. 

"Melville's Moby Dick: An American Nekyia" by Edward F. Edinger is a compelling and enlightening work that invites readers to delve beneath the surface of Melville's "Moby-Dick" and explore its psychological and symbolic depths. By applying Jungian analysis to this classic novel, Edinger not only enriches our understanding of Melville's work but also offers profound insights into the human psyche and the universal quest for meaning. This study stands as a testament to the enduring power of "Moby-Dick" as a narrative that continues to captivate and challenge readers with its exploration of the depths of the human soul. 

Holographic Healing: Transforming Wellness in the Game of Life

In the quest for holistic health and wellness, ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science converge in fascinating ways. One of the most intriguing intersections is the concept of holographic healing, which marries the principles of holographic theory with spiritual understandings of life's interconnectedness. This article delves into how viewing the universe and ourselves through a holographic lens can revolutionize our approach to health, transforming our wellness journeys in the "game of life." 
Holographic theory, which suggests that the universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure from which the three-dimensional world emerges, challenges our conventional notions of reality and space. This theory posits that every part of the universe contains information about the whole, much like a piece of a hologram contains the entire image within it. This perspective shifts how we understand interconnectedness, suggesting that every aspect of the universe, including ourselves, is deeply intertwined at a fundamental level. 
Spiritually, the concept of life as an interconnected "game" or journey is a thread running through many traditions. This viewpoint holds that our experiences, challenges, and interactions are opportunities for growth and evolution, deeply connected to the collective experience of humanity and the universe at large. The holographic model provides a scientific framework that echoes this spiritual understanding, offering a unique lens through which to view healing and wellness. 
Holographic healing emerges from the understanding that since every part of the universe reflects the whole, each individual's health and well-being are intrinsically linked to the larger cosmic tapestry. This form of healing goes beyond treating physical symptoms, addressing the energetic and informational patterns that constitute our reality. It suggests that by altering these patterns, profound healing can occur, encompassing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of our being. 
Recent advancements in quantum physics and consciousness studies provide a scientific basis for these ancient practices. Research into the quantum field theory and non-locality supports the idea that everything in the universe is connected at a subatomic level. This scientific backing not only legitimizes spiritual healing practices but also expands the potential for integrating these principles into conventional healing modalities. 
Adopting a holographic view of health encourages a holistic approach to wellness. It invites individuals to consider not just physical symptoms but their entire being—mind, body, and spirit—and their connection to the universe at large. This perspective fosters a deeper sense of responsibility for one's health and well-being, emphasizing the power of intention, belief, and consciousness in the healing process.
Holographic healing represents a shift towards an integrative wellness model, one that recognizes the complexity and interconnectedness of life. It empowers individuals to explore a broader spectrum of healing options, encouraging a harmonious balance between scientific understanding and spiritual wisdom.
Holographic healing is more than just a method; it's a transformative approach to understanding and interacting with the fabric of reality. By blending the insights of holographic theory with the spiritual concept of life's interconnected game, this paradigm offers a profound way to navigate the complexities of health and wellness. As we deepen our understanding of these principles, we open ourselves to a more holistic, harmonious, and empowered way of living, marking a significant step forward in the journey of human evolution and well-being. HOLOSOPHY!


Throughout the ages, humanity has sought to understand and harness the elusive qualities of the spirit for healing and transformation. From the shamanic rituals of ancient tribes to the meditative practices of Eastern philosophies, the journey of the spirit towards calmness and meekness has been a central theme in the quest for wellness. In this context, the concept of holographic healing emerges as a groundbreaking bridge between ancient spiritual wisdom and contemporary healing practices, offering a holistic approach to wellness that honors the journey of the spirit through time. In ancient civilizations, the spirit was seen as the essence of being, a force that transcends the physical body and connects individuals to the greater cosmos. Healing practices were deeply spiritual, often involving rituals, prayers, and natural remedies aimed at aligning the spirit with the divine or universal energy. This alignment was believed to restore balance and harmony, leading to physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
For example, in ancient Egypt, the concept of ma'at—representing truth, balance, order, and harmony—was integral to their understanding of health. Similarly, in traditional Chinese medicine, the concept of qi—the vital life force—emphasizes the balance and flow of energy within the body to maintain health.
As humanity progressed, the understanding and practices of spiritual healing evolved, influenced by religious beliefs, philosophical insights, and scientific discoveries. However, the core belief in the power of the spirit to affect health and healing remained constant. In the Middle Ages, healing was often associated with religious faith, with many believing in the healing power of prayer and divine intervention.
The Renaissance and Enlightenment periods brought a shift towards more scientific approaches to medicine. However, even then, the interest in the spiritual aspects of healing persisted, with figures like Paracelsus advocating for the integration of spirituality and medicine.
Today, holographic healing represents a synthesis of ancient spiritual wisdom and modern scientific understanding. Drawing on the holographic principle that suggests the whole is reflected in every part, holographic healing views the individual as a microcosm of the universe, where every cell and atom is interconnected and contains the information of the whole system.
This perspective aligns with ancient spiritual teachings about the interconnectedness of all life and the belief in a universal energy that animates and binds the cosmos. Holographic healing approaches, such as Reiki, acupuncture, and quantum healing, work on the premise that by restoring balance and harmony at the energetic level, one can facilitate healing on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Central to the process of holographic healing is the transformation of the spirit towards states of calmness and meekness. These qualities are not seen as signs of weakness but as strengths that reflect a deep connection to the inner self and the universe. By cultivating calmness, individuals can achieve a state of inner peace and clarity, allowing for self-healing and regeneration. Meekness, understood as a gentle acceptance of life's challenges, fosters resilience and the ability to move through adversity with grace. Holographic healing, with its roots in ancient spirituality and its branches reaching into modern science, offers a comprehensive approach to wellness that honors the journey of the spirit across the ages. By integrating the wisdom of the past with the innovations of the present, it provides a pathway for individuals to achieve balance, harmony, and healing. As we continue to explore the depths of the spirit and its capacity for transformation, holographic healing stands as a testament to humanity's enduring quest for wellness and the profound connections that bind us to each other and the universe.