"Riddare, hjälte, skurk. Du är alla saker ändå är du ingenting. I slutändan, tillhör du varken ljuset eller mörkret. Du kommer för evigt vara fristående" - Dart Malak
En av de mest kraftfulla 'Force-users' av alla tider. Revan var en Jedi Riddare som blev en hjälte under 'the Mandalorian Wars' - men som senare vände sig till den Mörka Sidan - formandes sitt egna Sith Empire emot Republiken - vilket började 'the Civil War'.
Barnet som skulle bli ihågkommen som Revan blev till sist upptäckt av vara Force-sensitive och blev accepterad in 'the Jedi Order'. Där han studerad under en mängd av olika Jedi Masters som en Padawan av 'the Jedi Order'. I akademin mötte han en annan ung Jedi vid namn Alek och som blev kompisar. Efter att Revan och Alek uppnådde rankingen som Jedi Knights- the Mandalorians började en brutal kampanj emot 'the Republic Worlds i de så kallade 'Outer Rim'.
Men vad var det som hände egentligen när Revan's 'spirit' mötte upp och hjälpte hjältarna i galaxen i att förgöra 'the Sith Emperor och efter detta blivit ett med kraften! Han tillät icke Force-sensitives att känna kraften genom att bara vara i hans närvaro; ' The Revan was here yesterday. It is a gift to be in the presence , I felt the Force - it travels below your skin, straight to the hearts, lungs, the gut. A warmth and a Chill" - Dugree Servant
Som ett resultat av hans tid som både en Jedi och en Sith - Revan kan kombinera vad han lärde sig till en sann balans av kraften. Skapande flertala 'legacys' för både Jedi och Sith. Till exempel skapandet av The Sith Holocron. Innehållandes 'the Sith Lords' lära om den mörka sidan av kraften - och Darth Revan's kunskap av antika Sith ritualer. Till exempel inkluderade instruktioner om hur att använda 'Force Power' känd som tanke-bomben. The Holocron påminner om The Temple of the Ancients i form av en fyr-sidad pyramid - driven av en crystal som kanaliserar energi från kraften baserad på Sith filosofi.
The Holocron fastsäller att den mörka sidan erbjuder en person makt för sin egen skull och uppmuntrar den lärande till att eftertrakta makt och söka den mörka sidans styrka med inga reservationer;
The Holocron kan skapa Holosophy insikter! Som är lite tankeväckande; ondska är ingen sak som vissa folk är och resten inte - är att acceptera att det inte finns någon kraft av mörker eller negativitet som härstammar utanför ditt 'consciousness' på grund av att det finns inget du kan uppleva som inte är en reflektion av dig själv. Hat är manifestation av en intern division som har kommit till att upplevas som en extern smärta. Hat är en negativ manifestation. Dart Revan insåg detta när han blev ett med kraften - omfamnande både Jedi och Sith krafterna för att känna harmonisk balans i kraften!
Varje stjärna i skyn kan föreställas som en reflektion av en verklighet som existerar inom The-One-Self. Vår värld är en bäddad i denna stjärnklara himmel, precis som varje en av oss är en del av mänsklighetens kollektiva. Allt som omger dig är genererat av 'the collective consciousness' av varje livs-form på denna planet och i galaxen far, far away...The Force!
Den mänskliga upplevelsen kan föreställas som en spegel som skapar verkligheten av en 'individuated' människa. Varje människa tittar i denna spegel och lever i relation till denna spegel. The Jedi Holocron kan lära ut Holosophy genom att förmedla att du är 'The One Self' tittandes in i spegeln av mänsklig verklighet som skapar upplevelsen av ditt 'human self' i en miljö delad med andra tittandes i spegeln! Din personliga verklighet är en reflektion av din personliga applikation av 'the One Self'! Holocron! I Star Wars liknas detta med det så kallade 'midi-chlorians'- det som förbinder den levande kraften med den kosmiska kraften. Jedi-filosofi vidhåller att 'midi-chlorians är själva grundstenen av allt liv - mikroskopiska organismer som bebor alla celler av varje livs-form. Dart Revan; skaparen av Holocron - blev ett med denna kraft och blev fascinerad när denna 'Infinite Cosmic Force' användes av Darth Plagueis - en Dark Lord Sith så mäktig och vis använde kraften till att påverka 'the midi chlorians' till att skapa liv! En förmåga för att bevara livet efter döden!
Allt som går att förverkliga med Jedi Holocron Holosophy! The Sith Holocron skapad av Dart Revan!
The Prime Jedi var den första medlemmen av the Jedi Order. The Prime Jedi grundade Ordern på planeten Ahch- To. "The Prime is one, but the Jedi are Many" Ska sägas att den antika historien av 'the Jedi' är ett mysterium. The Prime Jedi räknas som en medlem av en okänd alien-ras som representerar en väldigt annorlunda filosofi av 'the Force' än den som 'the Preequel Era Jedi' har. The Prime Jedi anses vara en 'servant of balance' istället för att exklusivt vara en 'servant' av 'the light side of the Force; ljus och mörker är givet jämlik framträdande, med 'the Prime Jedi' representerar mörkret i ljuset, och ljuset i mörkret. HOLOSOPHY!
'The Jedi's themselves' har glömt bort detta, förlorat deras originella förståelse 'of the ways of the force'. Till exempel, 'the Chosen One prophecy was of an agent of balance, not one dedicated to light or dark.' Ett gammalt Jedi mantra; "We cal upon the three - light, dark and balance true. One is no greater than the others. Together, they unite, restore, center and renew. We walk into the light, acknowledge the dark, and find balance within ourselves. The Force is strong"


Echoes of the Past: Yoda, Midi-chlorians, and the Legacy of the Force

In the rich tapestry of the Star Wars saga, few concepts have sparked as much curiosity and debate as the Force and the discovery of midi-chlorians. This revelation provided a scientific lens through which to view the mystical energy that permeates the galaxy. Yet, it is through the wisdom of Grand Master Yoda, a figure who embodies the ancient traditions of the Jedi Order, that we can explore the deeper implications of this connection. "Echoes of the Past" delves into the intertwining of Yoda's teachings, midi-chlorians, and the enduring legacy of the Force, weaving a narrative that spans the history of the galaxy far, far away.
The Jedi Order, guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic, has always been deeply connected to the Force. Their understanding of it as a mystical energy field contrasts starkly with the scientific explanation provided by the discovery of midi-chlorians—organisms within living cells that facilitate the connection between sentient beings and the Force. This dichotomy between the spiritual and the scientific represents a pivotal moment in the Jedi's history, with Yoda standing at the crossroads of these evolving beliefs.

Yoda, with his 900 years of life, has witnessed the ebb and flow of the Force's understanding within the galaxy. His teachings often reflect a blend of the tangible and the intangible, acknowledging midi-chlorians while emphasizing the Force's mystical aspects. Through Yoda's eyes, we see a reconciliation of the ancient and the modern, suggesting that the essence of the Force transcends mere biological explanation.
Yoda's approach to midi-chlorians and the Force is one of balance. He recognizes the importance of midi-chlorians in connecting beings to the Force but cautions against reducing the Force to a mere function of these microscopic entities. For Yoda, the Force is more than the sum of its parts; it is the bond that links all living things, an energy that cannot be fully quantified or explained by science alone.
This perspective is crucial in understanding the legacy of the Force. Yoda teaches that the Force's true power lies in its ability to inspire hope, guide destiny, and bind the galaxy together. Midi-chlorians, while important, are merely one piece of this larger puzzle.
The legacy of the Force, as interpreted by Yoda, transcends generations, influencing countless Jedi and shaping the destiny of the galaxy. The introduction of midi-chlorians to this legacy does not diminish the Force's mystique; instead, it adds a layer of complexity, bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual.
Yoda's teachings, imparted over centuries, emphasize the importance of understanding the Force in all its dimensions. He encourages Jedi to explore the depth of their connection to the Force, beyond midi-chlorians, to grasp its true essence. This holistic approach ensures that the legacy of the Force remains vibrant and multifaceted, capable of adapting to the changing tides of the galaxy.
"Echoes of the Past: Yoda, Midi-chlorians, and the Legacy of the Force" is a reflection on the evolution of one of the Star Wars saga's central themes. Through Yoda's wisdom, we are reminded that the Force, while partially explained by midi-chlorians, retains its mystical allure. It is a force of nature that defies complete understanding, a source of wonder and mystery that continues to inspire those who feel its call.
Yoda's teachings serve as a bridge between the old and the new, guiding us to appreciate the Force in all its complexity. As we ponder the legacy of the Force, we find that its true power lies not in the answers it provides but in the questions it prompts us to ask. In the end, the Force remains an eternal echo of the past, a guiding light for the future, and an enduring symbol of the interconnectedness of all life in the Star Wars universe.
Holographic Spirituality: The Force as a Projection of Life

In the universe of Star Wars, the Force is a ubiquitous and mystical energy that transcends the physical realm, touching every aspect of life. The introduction of midi-chlorians provided a scientific basis for the Force, linking it to the living cells of all beings. However, this explanation does not diminish the Force's spiritual depth; rather, it enhances our understanding by suggesting a holographic model of spirituality. This concept, reflective of Grand Master Yoda's teachings, posits that the Force, much like a holographic projection, is a manifestation of life itself, with each part containing the whole. The holographic principle, a concept from theoretical physics, proposes that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure "painted" on the cosmological horizon, such that the three-dimensional world we perceive is only an expression of that data. Applied to the Force, this principle suggests that the spiritual and material worlds are deeply interconnected, with midi-chlorians acting as the interface between these realms.
Midi-chlorians, the microscopic organisms that reside within the cells of all living beings, serve as the physical connection to the Force. In a holographic spirituality framework, midi-chlorians can be understood as the "pixels" of the hologram, each carrying the potential to access the entire image of the Force. This perspective aligns with Yoda's teachings, emphasizing the unity and interdependence of all life forms. Just as every part of a hologram contains the information of the whole, each being, through their midi-chlorians, connects to the broader cosmos, reflecting the entirety of the Force.

Yoda, with his profound connection to the Force and deep philosophical insights, embodies the essence of holographic spirituality. His teachings often highlight the interconnectedness of life, the balance between the physical and the spiritual, and the importance of understanding one's place within the larger cosmic tapestry. Through Yoda's eyes, the Force is not just a power to be wielded but a path to greater understanding and harmony with the universe. Viewing the Force as a projection of life itself offers a compelling way to reconcile the mystical with the scientific. In this framework, the physical world and the spiritual realm are not separate but are manifestations of the same underlying reality. The Force, then, becomes a way to understand the profound connections that bind the universe together, with midi-chlorians facilitating our interaction with this unified field.
For the Jedi, embracing holographic spirituality means recognizing their role not just as warriors or peacekeepers but as stewards of balance within the galaxy. It challenges them to see beyond the physical manifestations of the Force and to understand the deeper connections that it represents. This perspective also has implications beyond the Jedi, offering a model for understanding the universe that emphasizes unity, interconnectedness, and the inherent value of all life. "Holographic Spirituality: The Force as a Projection of Life" invites us to explore the spiritual dimension of the Star Wars universe through a new lens. By integrating the concept of midi-chlorians into a broader understanding of the Force, we uncover a rich tapestry of connections that spans the physical and the spiritual. In doing so, we are reminded of Yoda's wisdom and the timeless appeal of the Star Wars saga: the recognition that, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, we are all part of a larger whole, each of us a reflection of the luminous beings that we truly are.